Project Areas
(all projects in reverse chronological order; none earlier than 2013)
Juvenile/Criminal Justice
- Robertson, A.A. (2019, July). 20th Circuit Adult Drug Court Treatment Enhancement Evaluation Project, Madison County, Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
- Gardner, S. (2019, March). Rankin County Youth Court Drug Evaluation, Rankin County Youth Court, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency.
Publications & Reports
- Robertson, A. A., & Gresham, K. (August 2020). 20th Circuit Adult Drug Court Treatment Enhancement Project, Year 1 Progress Report. Report to the Substance Abuse and mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Annual funding for MASEP Research and Development from program fees.
- Robertson, A.A., (June 2017). MASEP Curriculum Revisions
- Robertson, A. A. (2008, October). Public Safety Data Laboratory, Office of Highway Safety, Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Grant 09 K9 401-1.
- Robertson, A.A., (2008, January.) MASEP Curriculum Revision, Office of Highway Safety, Mississippi Department of Public Safety.
Publications & Reports
- Pilkinton, M. W., Robertson, A. A., & McCluskey, L. (2013). Drugged Driving: Increasing traffic risk involving licit and illicit substances. Journal of Drug Education, 43(2), 183-201.
- Robertson, A. A., Zhou, Q. M., Tatch, A., & Walsh, M. (2019). Gender-Specific Predictors of Recidivism among DUI Offenders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80(6), 641-650.
- Robertson, A. A., Gardner, S., Walker, C. S., & Tatch, A. (2016). DUI Recidivism by Intervention Adherence: A Multiple Risk Factor Approach. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Published online June 10, 2016 DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2016.1167898
- Robertson, A. A., Gardner, S., Xu, X., Chi, G., & McCluskey, D. L. (2013) Mississippi’s DUI Offender Intervention: 40 Years of Programming and Research. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 52, 138-155.
- Robertson, A. A., Liew, H., & Gardner, S. (2011). An Evaluation of the Narrowing Gender Gap in DUI Arrests. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 1414-1420.
- Robertson, A., Gardner, S., Xu, X. & Costello, H. (2009). The Impact of Remedial Intervention on Three-Year Recidivism among First-Time DUI Offenders in Mississippi. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 41, 1080-1086.
- Tatch, A., Yigit, I. H., Brown, D., & Robertson, A. (2019). Examining the role of race and gender as moderators of the relationship between depressive symptoms and hazardous alcohol consumption among DUI offenders. Sociological Spectrum, 39(2), 131-145. DOI: 10.1080/02732173.2019.1608342
- Robertson, A.A. (2021, April). Hope Survey, Mississippi Administrative Office of Courts.
- Gardner, S. (2019, January). Disproportionate Minority Contact 2018 Report, Mississippi Department of Public Safety.
- Robertson, A. A., (2013, July). Mississippi TRIALS Research Center, National Institute on Drug Abuse, U01 DA036176.
- Robertson, A. A., (2013, March) JDAI Data Collection and Analysis, Mississippi Attorney General’s Office.
- Robertson, A. A., Gardner, S., Harrington, J. & McCluskey, L. (March 2012). Court Performance Measures for Child Abuse and Neglect: Timeliness. Report prepared for Mr. Dennis Perkins, Youth Court Program Director, Administrative Office of the Court, Jackson, MS.
- Robertson, A. A., (2010, January). Mississippi Juvenile Justice Research Consortium, MS Division of Public Safety Planning, Office of Justice Programs.
- Robertson, A. A., (2005, October). Juvenile Detention Standards Monitoring and Cost Analysis, Office of Justice Programs, Mississippi Department of Public Safety.
- Robertson, A. A., (1995, September). Comparison of Community-Based Models for Youth Offenders, Grant number R01DA09015, National Institute on Drug Abuse,
- Robertson, A. A., & Dunaway, G. (March, 1998) Delinquency risk/needs management and equitable treatment of juveniles in Mississippi. Report to the Mississippi Division of Public Safety Planning. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Robertson, A. A. (1996, January). Delinquency Risk/Needs Management and Equitable Treatment of Juveniles in Mississippi, Mississippi Department of Public Safety.
Publications & Reports
- Bowser, D., Henry, B. F., Wasserman, G. A., Knight, D., Gardner, S., Krupka, K., Grossi, B., Cawood, M., Wiley, T., & Robertson, A. (2018). Comparison of the Overlap between Juvenile Justice Case Processing and Screening & Referral to Behavioral Health Services. Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services, 5(1), 96-125.
- Dunaway, R. G., Robertson, A. A., & Hardin, L. R. (November, 2006). Recommendations for Operation of the Mississippi Juvenile Detention Monitoring Unit, Office of Justice Programs, Division of Public Safety Planning. Report to the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Division of Public Safety Planning. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Hardin, L. A., Robertson, A. A., & Dunaway, R. G. (November, 2006). Assessing the Cost of Compliance: Cost Analysis of Juvenile Detention Facility Compliance with Section 4 of the Mississippi Juvenile Delinquent Prevention Act of 2006 (House Bill 199) and the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002. Report to the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Division of Public Safety Planning. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Rich, S. L., Wilson, J. K., & Robertson, A. A. (2016). The Impact of Abuse Trauma on Alcohol and Drug Use: A Study of High-risk Incarcerated Girls. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 25(3), 194-205.
- Robertson, A. A., & Gresham, K. (July 2021). Hope focused, Trauma Informed Youth Courts in Mississippi, Post-Training Survey Results. Report to Mississippi Administrative Office of the Courts. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Robertson, A. A., Fang, Z., Weiland, D., Joe, G., Gardner, S., Dembo, R., McReynolds, L., Dickson, M., Pankow, J., Dennis, M. L., & Elkington, K. (2020) Recidivism among justice-involved youth: Findings from JJ-TRIALS. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47(9), 1059-1078. DOI: 10.1177/0093854820922891
- Robertson, A. A., & Steele, E. H. (October 2019). Impact of Parent Representation in Child Protection Cases. Report to the Mississippi Children’s Justice Commission, Mississippi State Supreme Court. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Robertson, A. A., Hiller, M., Dembo, R., Dennis, M., Scott, C., Henry, B., & Elkington, K. (2019). National Survey of Juvenile Community Supervision Agency Practices and Caregiver Involvement in Behavioral Health Treatment. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-019-01488-4.
- Robertson, A. A. & Walker, C. S. (2018). Predictors of Justice System Involvement: Maltreatment and Education. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76, 408-415.
- Robertson, A. A., Walker, C. S., Stovall, M., & McCluskey, L. Use of Evidence-based Substance Use Treatment Practices in Mississippi. (2015). Evaluation & Program Planning, 52, 198-204.
- Robertson, A. A., Liew, H., Gardner, S., Haynes, S. H., & Morgan, E. F. (May 2011). An Assessment of Disproportionate Minority Contact in Mississippi’s Juvenile Justice System. Report to the Division of Public Safety Planning, Office of Justice Programs. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Robertson, A., Gardner, S., Haynes, S., and Gresham, K. (January, 2011). A Comprehensive Model for Effective Juvenile Justice: Recommendations for Improving the Mississippi Juvenile Justice System. Report to the Division of Public Safety Planning, Office of Justice Programs. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Robertson, A. A., Baird-Thomas, C., & Stein, J. A. (2008). Child victimization and parental monitoring as mediators of youth problem behaviors. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(6), 755-771. PMCID: PMC2903056
- Robertson, A. A., Grimes, P. W., & Rogers, K. E. (2001). A short-run cost-benefit analysis of community-based interventions for juvenile offenders. Crime & Delinquency, 47(2), 265-284.
- Wasserman, G. A., McReynolds, L. S., Taxman, F., Belenko, S., Elkington, K. S., Robertson, A. A., Dennis, M., Knight, D., Knudsen, H., Dembo, R., Ciarleglio, A., & Wiley, T. (2021). The missing link(age): Multilevel contributors to service uptake failure among youth on community justice supervision. Psychiatric Services in Advance. DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.202000163
- Yoon, S., Quinn, C. R., McCarthy, K. S., & Robertson, A. A. (2019). The effects of child protective services and juvenile justice system involvement on academic outcomes: Gender and racial differences. Youth & Society, 1-22.
Public Health
- Robertson, A. A. & Baird-Thomas, C. (2018, October). Aim for Change Evaluation, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-RFA-DP18-1809)
Publications & Reports
- King, E. M., Baird-Thomas, C., Robertson, A., Smith, M. & Buys, D. R. (2021). Improving the function of a high obesity program: Findings from community-engaged Mississippi Delta focus groups. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. DOI: 10.5304/jafscd.2021.104.012
- Robertson, A.A., (2016, November). Asthma Control Program Evaluation, Mississippi State Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Robertson, A. A., (2014, August). Evaluation Services for the Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative, MS Department of Health,
- Gardner, S. (2016, August). MSQII-2 Evaluation Project, Year 2, Mississippi State Department of Health, Office of Preventative Health.
- Robertson, A. A., (2009, July). , Delta Oral Health Project Data Analysis, Delta Health Alliance.
Baird-Thomas, C. (2023-ongoing). Preschool Child Development Grant Birth-5 (PDG B-5). Mississippi Department of Human Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Families and Children.
Hanna, H. & Baird-Thomas, C. (2018-2023). HRSA Early Childhood Development Health System: Implementation in a High Need State, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Health Resources and Services Administration
Behavioral Health
- Robertson, A. A., (2020 August). Mississippi Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Re-entry Program, FY19 Evaluation. Mississippi Department of Corrections, US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
- Robertson, A. A., (2019, April). Second Chance Act Re-Entry Program for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Evaluation, Mississippi Department of Corrections, US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
- Robertson, A. A., (2017, January). “Second Chance Act Re-Entry Program for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Evaluator, (MSCORP 16) Mississippi Department of Mental Health, US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance
- Robertson, A.A., (2019, July). 20th Circuit Adult Drug Court Treatment Enhancement Project Evaluation, Madison County, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Publications & Reports
- Robertson, A. A., Gochanour, A., & Gresham, K. (June 2021). Evaluation of the 2016 – 2020 Second Chance Act Reentry program for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders. Report to the Mississippi Department of Mental Health. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Gardner, S., Baird-Thomas, C. & Sergi, K. (2022-ongoing). Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education). University of Mississippi Medical Center, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Robertson, A. A., (2019, July). 20th Circuit Adult Drug Court Treatment Enhancement Project Evaluation, Madison County, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
- McMillen, R. & Valentine, N. (2018, July). Surveillance and Evaluation Services for the Mississippi Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program, Mississippi State Department of Health.
- Robertson, A. A. (2020, June). Project Evaluation Services for Mississippi’s Emergency Response to COVID-19 Evaluation, (MERC-19) Mississippi Department of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration.
- Robertson, A., Baird-Thomas, C., & Gardner, S. (2020, July). MERC-19 Project Evaluator, Mississippi Department of Mental Health.
- Robertson, A. A., (2006, April). Hurricane Katrina Effects on Female Adolescent Offenders, National Institute on Drug Abuse.
- Robertson, A. A., (2002, July). Technical Assistance: Mental Health Screening in Juvenile Detention Centers, Office of Justice Programs, Mississippi Department of Public Safety.
- Robertson, A. A., (2000, May). COMPASS Project, National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
- Robertson, A. A., (2000, May). Prevalence of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorders among Incarcerated Juvenile Offenders, Mississippi Department of Public Safety.
Publications & Reports
- Becan, J. E., Fisher, J. H., Johnson, I. D., Bartkowski, J. P., Seaver, R., Gardner, S. K., Aarons, G. A., Renfro, T. L., Muiruri, R., Blackwell, L. F., Piper, K. N., Wiley, T. A., & Knight, D. K. (2020). Improving Substance Use Services for Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth: Complexity of Process Improvement Plans in a Large Scale Multi-Site Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research (APMH), 47(1), 501-514. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10488-019-01007-z
- Gardner, S. K, Robertson, A. A., Tatch, A., & Walker, C. S. (2018) Racial Differences in College Student Drinking. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2018.1446376
- Robertson, A. A., Gardner, S. K., Walker, C. S., & Tatch, A. (2016). DUI recidivism by intervention adherence: a multiple risk factor approach. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 42(5), 597-605. https://doi.org/10.3109/00952990.2016.1167898
- Robertson, A. A., McKinney, C., Walker, C., & Coleman, A. (2018). Peer, Social Media, and Alcohol Marketing Influences on College Student Drinking. Journal of American College Health, DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1431903
- Robertson, A., Stein, J., & Schaefer-Rohleder, L. (2010). Effects of Hurricane Katrina and Other Adverse Life Events on Adolescent Female Offenders: A Test of General Strain Theory. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 47(4), 469-495. PMCID: PMC3092718, NIHMS# 287237
- Robertson, A., Xu, X., & Stripling, A. (2010). Adverse Events and Substance Use among Female Adolescent Offenders: Effects of Coping and Support. Substance Use & Misuse, 45(3), 451-472. PMCID: PMC2880536
- Robertson, A. A., Morse, D. T. & Baird-Thomas, C. (July, 2009). Hurricane Katrina’s impact on the mental health of adolescent female offenders. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 22(4), 433-448. PMCID: PMC278801
- Robertson, A. A., Dill, P. L., Undesser, C., & Husain, J. (Fall 2004). Prevalence of mental illness and substance abuse disorders among incarcerated juvenile offenders in Mississippi. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 35(1), 55-74.
- Sales, J. M., Wasserman, G., Elkington, K. S., Lehman, W., Gardner, S., McReynolds, L., Wiley, T. & Knudsen, H. (2018). Perceived Importance of Substance Use Prevention in Juvenile Justice: A Multi-Level Analysis. Health and Justice, 6(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40352-018-0070-9
- Robertson, A.A., (2011, January). “HIV Risk Reduction among Drug Court Offenders” funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
- Robertson, A. A., St. Lawrence, J. S., Morse, D. T., Baird-Thomas, C., Liew, H., & Gresham, K. (2011). The Healthy Teen Girls Project: Comparison of Health Education and STD Risk Reduction Intervention for Incarcerated Adolescent Females. Health Education and Behavior, 38(3), 241-250.
- Robertson A., Husain, J., Karges, A., Liew, H., Gardner, S., Baird-Thomas, C., Gresham, K., & Ragsdale, K. (June 2010). HIV Testing and Prevention in Substance Abuse Treatment. Report to the Delta Health Alliance. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- Robertson, A.A., (2008, July). “HIV Testing and Prevention Services in Substance Abuse Treatment” funded through HRSA Grant # U1FRH0741 to the Delta Health Alliance.
- Robertson, A.A. (2003, September). “HIV Risk Reduction among Young Incarcerated Females” funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
- Robertson, A.A., Herbert, A., Harvey, R., & Gresham, K. (January 2008). Barriers to HIV Testing and Prevention in Substance Abuse Treatment. Report to the Delta Health Alliance. Mississippi Health Policy Research Center, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
- St. Lawrence, J. S., Snodgrass, C. E., Robertson, A. A., & Baird-Thomas, C. (December, 2008). Minimizing the risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV among incarcerated adolescent girls: Identifying potential points of intervention. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(12), 1500-1514. PMCID: PMC2888525
- Robertson, A.A. (2003, July). “Brief STD/HIV Intervention for Incarcerated Youth” funded by the Mississippi Department of Health.
- Robertson, A.A., (2001, September). “Prevalence of HIV/STDs among Incarcerated Juveniles” funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Publications & Reports
- Elkington, K. S., Robertson, A., Knight, D. K., Gardner, S. K., Funk, R. R., Dennis, M. L., Oser, C., & DiClemente, R. (2020). HIV/STI service delivery within juvenile community supervision agencies: A National survey of practices and approaches to moving high risk youth through the HIV care cascade. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 34(2), 72-80. DOI: 10.1089/apc.2019.0157
- Elkington, K. S., Spaulding, A., Gardner, S., Knight, D., Belenko, S., Becan, J. E., Robertson, A. A., Oser, C., & DiClemente, R. (2020). A System-Level Intervention to Encourage Collaboration Between Juvenile Justice and Public Health Agencies to Promote HIV/STI Testing. AIDS Education and Prevention, 32(4), 337–355.
- Gardner, S. K., Elkington, K. S., Knight, D. K., Huang, S., DiClemente, R. J., Spaulding, A. C., Oser, C. B., Robertson, A. A., & Baird-Thomas, C. (2019). Juvenile Justice Staff Attitudes about HIV/STI Prevention, Testing, and Treatment Linkage. Health & Justice, 7(15), 1-8. DOI: 10.1186/s40352-019-0096-7
- Gardner, S. K., Elkington, K. S., Knight, D. K., Huang, S., DiClemente, R. J., Spaulding, A. C., Oser, C. B., Robertson, A. A., & Baird-Thomas, C. (2019). Juvenile Justice Staff Endorsement of HIV/STI Prevention, Testing, and Treatment Linkage. Health & Justice, 7(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40352-019-0096-7
- Hood, K., & Robertson, A. A, & Baird, C. (2014). Implementing Solutions to Barriers to On-Site HIV Testing in Drug Treatment: A Tale of Three Facilities. Evaluation and Program Planning, 49, 1-9.
- Huang, S., Gardner, S., Piper, K. N., Coleman, A. S., Becan, J. E., Robertson, A. A., & Elkington, K. S. (2020). Bridging systems to implement HIV/STI programing within the juvenile justice system: Strengths and challenges of a local change team approach. AIDS Education and Prevention, 32(5), 432-453. DOI: 10.1521/aeap.2020.32.5.432.
- Robertson, A. A., St. Lawrence, J. S., & McCluskey, D. L. (2012). HIV/STI Risk Behavior of Drug Court Participants. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 51, 453-473.
- Gardner, S. The Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy (The Alliance).
- Gardner, S. (2019, January). Fannie Lou Hamer’s America Evaluation, Fannie Lou Hamer’s Team, W.K. Kellogg Foundation/Tougaloo College
- Thomas, C. (2023-ongoing). Gulf Scholars Program MS State University Evaluation, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
- Thomas, C. (2023-ongoing). CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service: A Continuation Program at Mississippi State University, Evaluation National Science Foundation
- Thomas, C. & Brenner, D. (2022-ongoing). GEAR UP Mississippi Evaluation. US Department of Education
Agricultural and International
- Rico-Mendez, G. (2023-ongoing). Agricultural Research Service (ARS) National Sedimentation Laboratory (NSL). Developmental Assessment of the Implementation of Automated Irrigation Practices in Mississippi. Implemented by Mississippi State University – Water Resources Research Institute.
- Rico-Mendez, G . U.S. (2022-ongoing) Agency for International Development (USAID) – Feed the Future. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish. Implemented by Mississippi State University – Global Center for Aquatic Health and Food Security.
- Rico-Mendez, G. (2019-2021). Developmental Evaluation Report. Complexity-Aware Monitoring and Evaluation of the Reconciliation Activity in Colombia
- Rico-Mendez, G. (2021-2022). U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). Research and Learning of School Meal Projects in Africa.